10 June 2011


So, just because I'm taking the summer off from doing shows, doesn't mean I'm not actively preparing for the Fall. And that means doing lots, and LOTS of auditions! This presents some unique challenges.

First of all, it's hard to take the time to find new audition material when you are busy going to auditions 2-3 times a week as well as performing. I was able to reecently add another 2-min and 1-min monologue to my repertoire, but they are not the impressive showy pieces that I'm looking for. Sometimes I bore myself rehearsing them. Why would anyone else want to cast me if I'm not even impressed. So, on my priority list is to find some new material and that means asking for suggestions and reading a LOT of plays. Same goes for my uptempo, and contemporary 16/32 bars. I'm just not convinced that what I'm presenting really shows what I can do. And that's no way to feel after an audition.

Someone once said, and I think it applies most especially to the performing arts, that success is where preparation and opportunity meet. I happen to live in a metro area that is full of opportunity for creative and talented people such as myself. It's up to me to be prepared. So, that's the point of this summer... Now if I only knew where to start.

I welcome suggestions; feel free to throw 'em out there!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know much about this side of theater but I wonder this anyway - does anyone take a "top 40's" song and rearrange it to something that can fit their range? For example, if someone took the chorus from say… Bill Withers's "Ain't No Sunshine" and then rearrange in a way to fit their range? If so, I might suggest that, for it shows musical skill as well as your range. Again, I don't know much but I guess maybe this is my opportunity to ask. Hope you're well!
