Here is a sampling of songs which I am prepared to perform on short notice.
Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) - Tomlin
Ave Maria - Bach/Gounod
Ave Maria - Franck
Ave Maria - Schubert
Ave Verum Corpus - Mozart
Be Not Afraid - Dufford
Come To Me - Joncas
Eye Has Not Seen - Haugen
God Shall Wipe Away All Tears - Peery
I Have Loved You - Joncas
How Great Thou Art - Hine
The Lord's Prayer - Malotte
Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory - Traditional
O Rest In The Lord - Mendelssohn
Old Irish Blessing (Song of Farewell) - Cornell
On Eagle's Wings - Joncas
One Sweetly Solemn Thought - Ambrose
Panis Angelicus - Franck
Pie Jesu (Requiem) - Fauré
Shepherd Me, O God - Haugen
You Are Mine - Haas
General (Sacred)
He Shall Feed His Flock - Handel
I Know That My Redeemer Liveth - Handel
The Lost Chord - Sullivan
Tantum Ergo - Franck
The Virgin's Slumber Song - Reger
General (Secular)
Can't find what you're looking for? Let me know what you have in mind and we will work together to make sure your event includes the music that you want most!