02 November 2011

'Tis The Season

With Halloween a distant memory (!!!), we are fast approaching the Christmas Season and all of the musical possibilities it brings.  To kick it all off, please consider spending the evening of November 19th with DeCantus as we perform a free concert for friends, family, and all lovers of joy and frivolity! Here's the info:

You are invited to the second annual DeCantus Holiday Caroling Event!  We will be singing for our family and friends at the OriginalBroadway Bar & Pizza and would love for you to join us!

Date and Time:
Saturday, November 19th, 2011
Doors open 6:00pm, music begins at 7:00pm in the Banquet Room downstairs.

Broadway Bar & Pizza
Banquet Room (downstairs)
2025 West River Rd
Minneapolis, MN 55411
(612) 529-7745

Additional Information:
- No cover charge or entrance fee. Food and beverage will be available for purchase.
- DeCantus CDs and download cards will be available for purchase.
- Facility is not handicapped accessible.



We look forward to seeing you there and to singing for you!  And in the spirit of the upcoming holiday season:  Bee of Good Cheer!

~Members of DeCantus, an A Cappella Victorian Caroling group

Also, please take a look at my Current & Upcoming Performances located on the left side of my homepage.  I keep it updated, so check back often!

15 October 2011

Still Plugging Away

Rehearsals for the Holiday Season with DeCantus are in full swing.  In fact, we are only four weeks out from our Holiday Concert, which will be open to the public. (More details to follow) 

I hosted a rehearsal for all 15 members this week in my tiny St. Paul house. We squeezed and all fit! Lola (my dog) loved the attention once I finally let her in to see everyone. Veteran members brought skirts and other costume pieces so the newbies had a better idea of what to wear.  I had my fitting for my skirt and the final stiches will be sewn this weekend.  I still need to solve the problem of aquiring a heavy cloak for outdoor performances.  Not sure if I'll be able to borrow or what.  Regardless, I will be layering! Going to have to trek out to Fleet Farm eventually to pick up some thermals.  I'm sure my husband will try to convince me to go ice fishing once I have them. We'll see...

I'm still cantoring and singing with the quartet at Presentation.  We had kind of an off-weekend last Sunday.  I received a text from our director/tenor/accompanist at 4:30 that morning that his wife had gone into labor and we would be on our own.  Our flutist stepped in to accompany, and we did what we could. I'm sure the congregation understood, but I am always dissappointed when I can't perform my best. I'm hoping we can make it up to everyone the next time we sing in November.

I'm finding a lot of my time is being spent as a mom lately, which is wonderful, but I will need to carve out some time in the near future to update my repertoire on this website as well as get a recent recording up.  I have some tidbits that were recorded live, but this old computer I'm working with doesn't have the software I need in order to edit the tracks and post them.  I'm sure there is a solution.  The trick is making it a priority.

The new translation of the Mass is looming near and will be in effect this Advent season.  I'm anxious to get my hands on the new text and specifically the new Mass parts.  I do take my job as Cantor seriously, and I want to be prepared to lead the congregation.  I just joined a 5-week Bible study that focuses on the Mass and the new translation which I can attend while my son is in school. I'm hoping to gain a deeper understanding of the Mass.  I look forward to this journey.

Meanwhile, is anyone else already tired of rehearsing Christmas carols?

06 September 2011

Project On Hold

The decision was made recently to put Harmonic Patina on hold for about a year until our members are more available to make it work.  I am saddened by this, but am the first to acknowledge that projects have to flow and when you are repeatedly coming up against conflicts, there's no sense in forcing it.  We all have other places to focus our energies currently, and hopefully we can revisit the idea later with renewed zeal.

Meanwhile, rehearsals are underway for DeCantus, I am working to increase my wedding/funeral repertoire, and the Quartet is learning more new pieces for the Homecoming Weekend at Presentation.  I am quickly drowning under all this sheet music!  I am definitely in need of a new organizational system for my music, but, besides the obvious space issues, I don't know where to begin.  Should I file strictly alphabetically? By language? By season? By style? So many pieces cross genres that I'm constantly pulling them out and putting them back in different places.  Any ideas, fellow musicians? How do you organize?

01 August 2011

New Opportunity

I had an audition on Saturday that I felt pretty good about for a cappella group DeCantus. Especially having just had sinus surgery a week and a half earlier and having woken up with a migraine that morning, I thought it went well.

Apparently it went VERY well because I've been asked to join as mezzo for their holiday season! There are three people for each part, so I will be dividing gigs with my two fellow mezzos. They have about 45 songs in their repertoire (for this season) that I will need to learn (not memorize), and I will need to acquire and construct some Victorian caroling garb. They provide a pattern and material for the skirt so, does anyone know a good seamstress? My grandmother taught me to sew, but without a machine I'm pretty limited to buttons and hems. I have three rehearsals with just the newbies, then full group rehearsals start September 13th. I've got a lot of music to digest before then.

24 July 2011

Surgery Recovery

I finally got my long-anticipated sinus surgery on July 20th.  Everything went well and I'm recovering as expected.  My sore throat (I was intubated while under general anesthesia) has disappeared and now I'm dealing exclusively with the sinus pressure from the packing and swelling as I heal.

Interesting side-note: I met with the anesthesiologist before the surgery and he asked me the normal questions about allergies and underlying medical conditions. In passing, I mentioned that I was a singer, which prompted him to assure me that they would use a smaller tube when they intubated me.  I was taken aback because I didn't even know that was an option.  So, to any singers getting surgery, be sure to mention your profession!  I admit I was a little nervous about the intubation in the first place, but didn't realize they could do anything differently.  I have learned my lesson and will now make it a point to mention that I'm a singer whenever seeing a new doctor.  When your body is your instrument, there's no telling what complications can arise that could put you out of work.

12 July 2011

Attempted Improvements

We set up the sound system to record the funeral this morning to aid me in my attempt to get some updated sample tracks to use for this website.  Something went wonky and it only picked up my microphone and not the instrument mic that was setup to record the piano and organ.  So, if anyone wants to hear my a cappella version of On Eagles Wings... (you really don't).

We'll do better next time.

In the meantime, I need to sit down and actually order those business cards that I keep telling myself I need to get.  Maybe next time someone compliments me on my performance, I can casually slip them a business card.  Girl's gotta make a living, right?  Need to be careful of appropriate business-card-giving moments.  After a funeral? Probably not.  Working with a new accompanist?  Definitely!

I think the trick to getting jobs in this business is referrals.  I mean, we all want to work with people we know, and barring that, we want to work with people whom the people we know know, you know?

Hope you are all enjoying your summer!

03 July 2011


After Mass today, a parishioner approached me, squeezed my hand, and said, "Hun, let me tell you... Hearing your voice was the most wonderful thing I've ever heard in my life." She looked like she'd had a long life.

Once again I'm reminded just how blessed I am to have this talent and what a privilege it is to be able to share it with others and bring them joy. While I'd like to be able to make a living by singing and performing, this is ultimately why I do what I do. This is what brings me life.

May we all find renewed joy in our artistic endeavors.

27 June 2011

A Cappella, Baby!

I was contacted last week by Harmonic Patina director, Laura Adams, concerning the possibility of upgrading my participation in the group from swing to full time vocalist. There has been some shifting lately as we lost one member, and another is traveling for an undertermined amount of time in the Fall, so they are bringing me in and reforming as a 3W, 2M balance. For the most part I will be jumping in on the Tenor 1 line, whether as written or an octave above. I also will be singing lead on a couple songs, and we are adding Black Horse & the Cherry Tree to our repertoire just for me!

I am excited about the possibilities, looking forward to rehearsal tonight, and ready to buckle down this summer to get ready for gigs!

Hope to be posting performance info for Harmonic Patina soon!

11 June 2011

The Price of Genius

Poorly Attended | MinnesotaPlaylist.com

Excellent article by director, Kevin T. Houle for MN Playlist. Check it out at the link above!

10 June 2011


So, just because I'm taking the summer off from doing shows, doesn't mean I'm not actively preparing for the Fall. And that means doing lots, and LOTS of auditions! This presents some unique challenges.

First of all, it's hard to take the time to find new audition material when you are busy going to auditions 2-3 times a week as well as performing. I was able to reecently add another 2-min and 1-min monologue to my repertoire, but they are not the impressive showy pieces that I'm looking for. Sometimes I bore myself rehearsing them. Why would anyone else want to cast me if I'm not even impressed. So, on my priority list is to find some new material and that means asking for suggestions and reading a LOT of plays. Same goes for my uptempo, and contemporary 16/32 bars. I'm just not convinced that what I'm presenting really shows what I can do. And that's no way to feel after an audition.

Someone once said, and I think it applies most especially to the performing arts, that success is where preparation and opportunity meet. I happen to live in a metro area that is full of opportunity for creative and talented people such as myself. It's up to me to be prepared. So, that's the point of this summer... Now if I only knew where to start.

I welcome suggestions; feel free to throw 'em out there!

30 May 2011

A Letter to My Grandmother

Those of us in the performing arts have all had people in our lives who strongly encouraged us to pursue our talents and passions.  My grandmother was one of mine, perhaps the most influential.  She turned 75 years old today, and this was my letter to her.


Monday, May 30, 2011


Recently, as I was going through boxes in storage to gather baby items for Jennifer's soon-to-be-arriving son, I came across an old, tattered, red scrapbook.  This scrapbook had been through the ringer.  It shows evidence of water damage and mildew.  It has been packed, moved, and stored in five different houses over 15 years.  Some of the writing has faded, some of the colors have bled, and some of the glue holding its contents has released, but the book is intact.  And what it holds is priceless: the scraps of hopes and dreams of a little girl who was inspired by her grandmother.

08 May 2011

A Surgical Solution

Last Tuesday was my initial appointment with my new ENT doctor.  After the CT scan, he informed me that I need sinus surgery, Bilateral Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, to be precise.  I do have a deviated septum, but he said he doesn't think it needs to be fixed.  My problems most likely arose from a sinus infection, possibly years ago, that never completely cleared up.  The swelling stayed, and made me more prone to the next infection, and the next, until I ended up where I am now.  Currently, my left sinus is completely inaccessible, and my right is showing signs of significant infection.  The plan is to make some openings to drain what is there, and leave some temporary steroid catheters in place for a month to bring swelling down and make sure everything continues to drain.  The recovery time would be 5-7 days of no heavy lifting, and there would be dissolvable packing that would disappear over a few weeks.  Needless to say, I can't have packing in my sinuses and be able to sing and perform, so I am not going to be able to move forward with this until July.

28 April 2011


Tonight is the preview performance of Sound of Music at Lakeshore Players Theatre.  It has been a real treat getting to know my character, Baroness Elsa Schraeder, and I am ready to put her out there to be loved or hated (sometimes simultaneously) by the sold-out crowds in White Bear Lake.  This weekend will mark the end of a tech week of nightly rehearsals, and I am looking forward to being able to shift my focus to other projects again during the week.

23 April 2011

A Good, Good Friday

Occasionally when singing at church, I get an opportunity to reflect upon the importance of music in worship services.  It's easy to get complacent or to unintentionally shift focus from the celebration of the Mass to the performance of the cantor.  When you have a particularly complimentary congregation, or a song that you know will really show off your voice, sometimes you slip into performance mode and forget that as Cantor you are responsible for leading the people in worship.  It's not because of any great ego (though there is certainly no shortage of that among musicians in general), but perhaps you sense the great power of your position.  The Mass is driven by ritual and tradition.  Certain texts spoken at certain times by certain people.  Traditionally as Cantor, you have the responsibility of proclaiming the Responsorial Psalm and leading the congregation in the responses (e.i. Sanctus, Angus Dei, etc.).

19 April 2011

Neti Pot!

After having a cold about 2 weeks ago, I am still having lingering problems with my sinuses.  This is a recurring problem for me and one that always complicates my ability to prepare for performances.  So I finally invested in a Neti Pot yesterday.  For anyone who doesn't know what that is, see here.  I have been hearing good things about it from other performers for a couple of years now, but last week my chiropractor emphatically suggested I get one.  I have used it a few times now.  It's comfortable to use, but I can't say that my sinuses have completely cleared up yet.

Regardless, my range is now back completely so I will have no trouble singing for the myriad of performances I have in the next two weeks.  In fact, I sometimes find that it is easier to sing with sinus problems because you can feel so much more when the sound is resonating in the right place.  So I just aim for the sound to resonate where it hurts, and hitting those high notes are no longer a struggle. :)

14 April 2011

Performance Day Arrives!

Tomorrow are the two performances of the Living Stations of the Cross by the 8th graders that I have been directing.  The kids have really come around and are display more maturity and focus.  In other news, we have now broken TWO crosses during the last weeks of rehearsal and are still trying to find a final solution.  The problem is that we need a cross light enough for an 8th grader to carry, stable enough to lift up an 8th grader, but strong enough not to split when dropped 3 times onto a tile floor.  Our first cross which we used last year (and also split last year) was reinforced with bolts and screws, but split the entire length last week anyway.  The second split right through the middle.  So we are awaiting a solution that will last through the two performances tomorrow.  We will need to address this for next year, but at this point I just want to get through tomorrow!

08 April 2011

Sore Throat

Ah, the joys of having children.  At the first sniff and nose wipe on sleeve I knew I was in for it.  My 3-year-old has picked up a cold from some unknown source.  And of course he bounces right back and I, in my old age, am debilitated.  We managed to venture out to ECFE and went for a walk around the lake today, but yesterday I had to cancel all my appointments and both of my rehearsals.  This is one of those rare cases when I am actually glad I am sick now and not next week (when the kids are in final rehearsals for Stations) or in a few weeks (when Sound of Music opens).  So I am taking this as a blessing and as another reminder of just how closely linked my health and my profession (performing arts) are.

In other news, we are switching to a monthly plan with our chiropractor so I will get to go get an adjustment every week!

04 April 2011

Fellow Musicians, Take Note

Paulus Premiere: Celebrate 150 Years with Luther College

Okay, shameless plug for my brother, Benjamin Cramer, who will be performing with the Luther College choirs at Orchestra Hall on Palm Sunday.

Good luck, little brother!

03 April 2011

Challenges of Redesign

While I am confident that this year's Living Stations of the Cross will turn out just fine, I have been feeling more stress as we get closer to our performance date.  Somehow, going into this, I had assumed that because I had directed this the year before, it would simply be a matter of plugging the new actors into the same characters and blocking and that it would be a calm experience for everyone involved.  I am learning, however, that even though you directed a show once, IT WILL NEVER BE THE SAME SHOW in subsequent attempts.

Now granted, part of the stress is stemming from the fact that my expectation of just plugging people into an existing vehicle was inherently flawed and unrealistic.

Secondly, I THOUGHT I had remembered my blocking from last year, but find myself having to go back and change things to accommodate unforeseen complications.

30 March 2011

Care of Your Instrument

Something happened at rehearsal tonight that hasn't happened to me in a long time: I lost my voice.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have been asked to supplement the nuns singing from offstage as a Soprano I.  Richard Rodgers was not kind to the Soprano I's in his score.  The bulk of it requires us to hover between an E5 and G5, with occasional leaps to A5 and finally C6.  At that range, the lyrics become unintelligible screeching unless one completely drops the consonants and just "ah's" their way through.  One particular instrument of torture is the Gaudeamus: Soprano I's sing (ff) "G G G G | GG G G | A AA AGB | G GGGGGG | G..... | G..." Oh, and the tempo is LARGO!

Listen here: Gaudeamus - Soprano 1 (upper)

I was able to handle this the first few times we ran through it.  I did not anticipate that we would be running this and the other songs continuously for an hour.

28 March 2011

Another Opportunity

Was asked to fill in at the last minute as a judge in the school's Solo Contest tomorrow. I was a sub last year as well. They have it set up like American Idol with three judges who each give critiques after each performance. It's always nice to hear budding talent. These students, whatever their skill level, have been practicing hard for this. It's important when judging at this level, to be supportive and constructive. I remember the many supportive teachers and judges I had in my formative years. I would like to think I have been granted an opportunity to return the favor.

Current Projects

As the weather gets warmer, I am getting busier! I am thankful, however, to have such an abundance of projects, so you won't find me complaining.

Had a rehearsal today for the Living Stations of the Cross production that I am directing again this year for Presentation of Mary.  This year's 8th graders seem up to the task and I have no doubt we will have another success.  I am relieved to have a little more time this year to put it all together.  A bit of stress as performance day approaches is inevitable nonetheless.

Tonight I'm off to rehearsal for Sound of Music at Lakeshore Players Theatre.  I have been pleasantly surprised by my character, Baroness Elsa Schraeder.