30 March 2011

Care of Your Instrument

Something happened at rehearsal tonight that hasn't happened to me in a long time: I lost my voice.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have been asked to supplement the nuns singing from offstage as a Soprano I.  Richard Rodgers was not kind to the Soprano I's in his score.  The bulk of it requires us to hover between an E5 and G5, with occasional leaps to A5 and finally C6.  At that range, the lyrics become unintelligible screeching unless one completely drops the consonants and just "ah's" their way through.  One particular instrument of torture is the Gaudeamus: Soprano I's sing (ff) "G G G G | GG G G | A AA AGB | G GGGGGG | G..... | G..." Oh, and the tempo is LARGO!

Listen here: Gaudeamus - Soprano 1 (upper)

I was able to handle this the first few times we ran through it.  I did not anticipate that we would be running this and the other songs continuously for an hour.

28 March 2011

Another Opportunity

Was asked to fill in at the last minute as a judge in the school's Solo Contest tomorrow. I was a sub last year as well. They have it set up like American Idol with three judges who each give critiques after each performance. It's always nice to hear budding talent. These students, whatever their skill level, have been practicing hard for this. It's important when judging at this level, to be supportive and constructive. I remember the many supportive teachers and judges I had in my formative years. I would like to think I have been granted an opportunity to return the favor.

Current Projects

As the weather gets warmer, I am getting busier! I am thankful, however, to have such an abundance of projects, so you won't find me complaining.

Had a rehearsal today for the Living Stations of the Cross production that I am directing again this year for Presentation of Mary.  This year's 8th graders seem up to the task and I have no doubt we will have another success.  I am relieved to have a little more time this year to put it all together.  A bit of stress as performance day approaches is inevitable nonetheless.

Tonight I'm off to rehearsal for Sound of Music at Lakeshore Players Theatre.  I have been pleasantly surprised by my character, Baroness Elsa Schraeder.